Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and obesity: Cause of Death for More Than One in Two Women
Awards Were Present Today in Milan to the best Hospitals with Bollini Rosa (Pink Stamps), Which Stand Out for Their Focus On Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiometabol Diseases in Women
Cardiometabolic Diseases are a Widespread Problem Among the female population with a significant Impact in Terms of Comorbideity and mortality. In fact, it is estimated that they reply the Cause of Death for More Than One in Two Women. Several Issues Are Involution, from Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Overweight and obesity, to Cancer.
To Help Improve the Quality of and Access to Health Services for the Prevention, Early Diagnosis and Treatment of These Diseases Onda, The National Observatory on Women’s Health, Wanted to Highlight and Reward with a Special Award The Best Skills of Italian Hospitals Belonging to the Pink Stamps Network in the Area of Cardiometabolic Diseases. The winning Facilities Were Honored Today at the San Fedele Cultural Foundation in the present of City Authorities and Specialists Involution in the Issue.
The 2016 Women’s Health White Paper Sponsored by Onda Shows How Cardiovascular Disease is the Leading Cause of Mortality and Disability in The Female Population Over the Age of 50. It is known, in fact, that in the female gender these diseases have a delayed onset of about 10-15 years appeared to what happy in men, two to the protective action of estrogen hormones. It is also estimated that 55% of women will die from cardiovascular disease versus Only 43% of Men. Among Risk Factors, Alongside “Traditional” Ones Such As High Blood Pressure, Smoking, Diabetes Mellitus, Age and Overweight, Female-Specific Factors Such As Menopause, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Autoimmune Diseases and Pregnancy-Associated Diseases Arese.
Diabetes and Weight-Related Issues, Although peculiar to the evil population, in Women, If present, can causes in Severe Impact on Overall Health by lead to major cardiovascular, oncological, and musculoskeletal diseases. Diabetes, in fact, is the eightth lead Cause of Death in Men (3.1%) While it has a Greater Impact on the female gender being the sixth leading cause of death with 3.9% of Total Deaths, and in Women it Incases the risk of going on to coronary artery disease by 3 to 7 Times appeared to diabetic men. In addition, Diabetic Women Have a Higher prevalence of obesity and hypertension, Worse Control of Blood Glucose and ChoLolesterol Values, and Higher Risk of Thrombosis.
Regarding Overweight, although it is more prevaler among men Than Women (44.8% vs. 28.2%), as is obesity (10.8% vs. 9.7%), The Health Effects Vary Conscious by Gender. According to number studies, overweight and obesity in Women are meaningly associated with Incased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Several Forms of Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disease, e.g., Incursing the risk of coronary artery dysase by 64%, appeared with 46% recreded in men.
“Cardiometabolic Diseases Are Incaseingly prevailing in the female population and desert special attention as Complex, multifactorial Diseases with a major impact on women’s overstell health…. For the Same Cardiovascular Risk, Women Continue To Receivation Preventive Drug Or Behavoral therapies Less Frequently Thanks in The Male Population Across All Age Groups, “Stresses Francesca Merzagora, President of Onda. “For these resons, wave decide to carry out several acttivities on the topic including, this year, The best practical competition, Involving Hospitals with Pink Stamps. Our Goal is to contribute to the promotion of pathways of prevention, diagnosis and thirty declined to women that take into account gender-mspecific different.”.
92 Services Were Received From 67 Hospital Candidates, Including 43 in the North, 9 in The Center and 15 in The South and Islands. A Special Committee Awarded 2 Prizes: a Plaque to “Best Practices” for Excellent Facilities and a Parchment with “Special Mentions” to Hospitals That Are Are Nevertheless and Committed to the Issue.
The Following Were Honored As Best Practices: The Hospital Company S. Cross and Carle – S hospital. Croce (Cuneo-Piedmont), Polyclinic Consortium Hospital (Bari-Puglia), Pisan University Hospital (Pisa-Tuscany), ASST Grande Metropolitan Hospital Niguarda (Milan-Lombardy), Italian Auxological Institute – IRCCS S. Luca (Milan-Lombardy), Piero Palagi Hospital (Florence-Tuscany) and Santo Hospital Spirito (Rome-Lazio).
They received special Mention: the a.OR.U. City of Health and Science of Turin-Gynecological Oilbish Sant’Anna Hospital (Turin-Piedmont), The Sienese University Hospital (Siena-Tuscany), The Asst Grande Metropolitan Hospital Niguarda (Milan-Lombardy), The Asst Santi Paolo and Carlo – Hospital s. Paolo di Milano (Milan-Lombardy), The Civil Hospital of Dolo (Dolo-Veneto), The Civil Hospital of Mirano (Mirano-Veneto), The San Bassiano Hospital of Bassano del Grappa (Bassano del Grappa-Veneto) and the SS Hospital Annunziata di Savigliano (Savigliano-Piedmont).
“Margaret Chan, Secretary of the Who (World Health Organization) Says That the Health Status of Women is the Most meaning Index of the Health Status of Society ITSELF,” Comments Daria Colombo, Mayor’s delegate for Equal Opportunities of the City of Milan. “Starting from This conviction, Oda’s Initiative of her, Once Again, Contribution to the dissemination of the culture of a gender-based medicine, as well as stimulating the multiplication of virtuous models for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases that mainly affects women. The Milan Administration Has Also decided to Direct Its Attention Particularly to the female gender and to Create Nine Milano Donna Centers in Our City, One for EAch Municipality. The First Step For These Centers Will Be Orientation in Various Areas, Including Health Care.
Comparison and Collaboration with the Onda Observatory Will Be Essential to efficiently carry out the function of guiding and identifying pathways in line with the manifestation of specification user needes. Milan TODAY IS Considered The City of Rights, and We Hope That Also With Regard to the Role of Women, Their Well-Boing, and Their Equality, Our City Can Be a Point of Reference for the rest of the Country.”.
“Healthy Eating,” Says Maria Grazia Carbonelli, Director of the Dietics and Nutrition Unit at the San Camillo Forlanini Hospital in Rome, “as part of a correct lifestyle promotes the maintenance of good health and an ’ Excellent Quality of Life. Women During Certain Periods Such As Pregnancy, Lactation, and Menopause Are More Prone to Both Nutritional Deficiences and the Development of Obesity. Mediterranean Following Guidance Helps Us Make Healthy Choices that Promoti Optimal Physical and Mental Health ”.
“Until a Few Years ago, Prevention Campaigs Have Focused On Typically Female Diseases Such As Breast and Uterine Cancer, Neglecting Instead Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases, Which are Still the Main Cause of Mortality and Disability in The Female Population Over the Age of 50,” Says Maria Penco, Full Professor of Cardiology and Director of the School of Specialization Cardiovascular Apparatus Diseases at the University of L’Aquila. “Despite The Incaseing Amount of Published Data on Gender DifferenCe, These Epidemiological Asshumations Have Been Neglected in Clinical Practice, and have not translated into a definitive realization by the Scientific Community and the female population of ITSelf. The Initiative Promotted and the Motivations Induced for Award the Prizes Are Certainly a Valuable Incentive to Urge the Scientific Community of Which I am a part to Improve Not Only Treatment But Also Cardiometabolic Prevention in the female gender.”.