Engineering and Artificial Intelligence in The Service of Medicine
Cappiello: From Covid-19 to Parkinson's, Holistic View of Health Urgently Needed
Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Health is the Focal Theme of the ’ Event ‘ Engineering and Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Medicine: From Covid-19 to Parkinson ’, Organized by the ’ Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome in Collaboration with the ’ University of Rome Tor Vergata, Voicewise Spinoff of the ’ University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Applications are Multiplying in All Areas, From Diagnostics to Surgery, from Drug Development to rehability, and are set to grow.
According to Research by Frost & Sullivan ’ S, to the markets in Healthcare Will Reach $ 6 Billion This Year, with an annual growth installments of 68 percent. It is estimated that up to 2025 we will see an annual growth of 41.7 percent.
In The Year of the Pandemic, A Driving Factor Has Been the ’ Adoption of Artificial Intelligence Technologies by Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies Around the World To Speed the Process of Developing Vaccines OR Drugs Against Covid-19. Indeed, Partnerships Bethaeen Pharmaceutical Companies and Technology Companies Have Multiplied, with the ’ Goal of Analyzing Large Amounts of Data and Discovery New Correlations to Develop USEFUL Drugs More Quickly.
L ’ University of Rome Tor Vergata With Its Spinoff Voicewise is pioneering in Italy on the study of pathologies through speech analytics. Voicewise Depends on Physiologal, Psychological and Pathological State. A High Person Has a Distinguishable Voice From A Low Person, Just As One Can Distinguish a Euphoric Voice From A Depressed One and, here the Most Relevant Part, A Person suffering from Certain Pathologies from A ‘ Healthy ’ Person;.
There ’ S influencing that as a viral infection makes the voice nasal and there ’ s pneumonia that the doctor reveals by the sound he heaving by resting as the patient Thirty-Three ’. But there are numberus pathologies that to the human ear do notegar to alter the voice.
Actuary the sound of appropriate Voice Tasks
In fact, the sound of appropriate vocal tasks, analyzed by appropriate artificial intelligence algorithms, can highlight features that are specifle to certainin dysases, attributable to altered states of the phonatory apparatus or mental condition.
Among the former we can cite Covid-19 Viral Infection (Which ‘ Impaires ’ Lungs and Airways), or Dysphagia (Causes Difficulty in Swallowing); Among the Latter We Can Cite Parkinson ’ S Disease (Which Alters the Functioning of Phonation Candidate Muscles) or Alzheimer ’ S Disease (Which Makes Phonation More ‘ ).
Thanks to the Algorithms Applied to ’ Voice Analysis, it is therefore Possible to Develop Applications and Solutions that in ‘ Real Time ’ Can provide information to support the physician in diagnosis, rehability follow-up, and in determining the ’ Effectiveness of drugs and therapies.
“ The Goal-Said Carla Cappiello, President of the Order of Engineers of Rome-Must Be To Push the Health System to Evolve Into Ecosystem. An ecosystem that is all about Thinking, Creating, Building from day to day. Medicine and Technology Are Two Worlds That Still Have Great Difficulty in Coming Together.
Companies, Startupps, Scientific Research, Universities and Physicians Too Often operated in Wateright Compartments ”.
According to Cappiello “ A Holistic View of Health Inspired by Knowledge Sharing is Urgently Needed. TODAY WEVE THE TECHNOLOGIES AND WE ALSO PACHYLY HAVE THE RESOURCES WITH THE PNRR, AS LONG AS WE PUT PUT IN PLACE THE RIGHT PLANS TO USE THEM. All of this can be made possible if there is sensitivity to the Issue on the part of politicians, Technicians and entrepreneurs ” concludes.