ASL ROME F. Tear: ‘Ready to relaunch Padre Pio’
Final halt to the work in the’Bracciano Hospital, but the manager has alreadyà new organizational model of sanit readyà territorial. From tomorrow Corporate Management ‘on the move’ to the Lake
“For the fate of the’Padre Pio Hospital in Bracciano and overall for the’care offerings of the’entire F3 District, the reopening of the Gynecology Department represents only the first step”.
This was stated by the Director General of the ASL ROMA F Dr. Salvatore Squarcione on the sidelines of the’public meeting held in recent days in Bracciano for the presentation of the Mammography Screening Campaign in District F3.
“And to start mammography screening in this district at the same time as this reopening, ensuring coverage of the second level of investigation with the support of the specialists of the’Hospital, è an undoubted signal of attention to this territory too long left in a kind of ‘penumbra’ strategic.”
The Manager then explained: “These are the first consistent responses to health needs: opening of a new operating block, resumption of work on the new emergency room that, as soon as completed, will allow the’Initiation of a new organizational model of the’entire hospital.”
“In practice è Hospital System that is getting back on track but which, make no mistake, will not returnà to be what we have known for twenty-five years because they areé would not mean keeping a hospital of that type standing: some of the current facilities will be abolished to make way for more care momentsù significant with respect to the changing needs of the population. And we will directly monitor the early stages of this ‘revolution’ physically moving l’entire Executive Board to Bracciano for a few days a week”
“We have in mind – Squarcione continued – as an example of promoting islands of regional health excellence that could enable the economic flows needed to adequately fund the sanità territorial of the’entire district, becauseé è very one that we need to focus on by beginning to rethink the role of counseling centers, to that of outpatient clinics…In short, a radical change of strategic perspective.”
“Unthinkable, however – concluded the Director General – to think of returning to a race of municipalities, as alreadyà occurred in the past decades, aimed at obtaining an emergency room or outpatient clinic in every municipality, rather ‘in every apartment building’.
Not only becauseé useless, not only becauseé impossible with the given resources, but especially becauseé to the day d’today potentially dangerous. Instead, it must be made clear to citizens how the way forward is to ensure on the one hand the’ widespread and generalized delivery in the territory of essential services such as prevention, therapy and rehabilitation, from the’other in our hospitals a ready response to emergencies that promptlyà will have to be able to be addressed effectively on site, leaving then, eventually, the subsequent treatment to specialized facilities.”